Search Engine Optimization:
Basic SEO Package  
  3 Month Campaign $295
  6 Month Campaign $595
  12 Month Campaign $995
Standard SEO Package  
  3 Month Campaign $495
  6 Month Campaign $1295
  12 Month Campaign $1995
Professional SEO Package  
  3 Month Campaign $1495
  6 Month Campaign $2495
  12 Month Campaign $4995
Platinum SEO Package  
  3 Month Campaign $2495
  6 Month Campaign $4995
  12 Month Campaign $9995
Seminar Overview:  
Overview of the internet
Overview of Internet Marketing
Overview SEO and Landing page
Overview of PPC - Pay per click
Overview of Websites
Overview Blogs
How to "Make your website your hardest working employee"
Conversions are essential-Traffic is useless without Conversions
Web Applications - Can create more content and more conversions
How to increase your rankings and the steps you must take
Techniques used
Landing Pages-How to build a perfect landing page
  • How many Landing pages do I need
  • How to get links
  • What are relevant links
  • How does this work
  • How does Google rank my site
  • What is a spider
  • What do they look for
  • What will get me blocked
What is PPC
  • How much should I pay each month
  • How can I manage PPC
  • Google Analytics
How Long does SEO take to work
  • How much money will I spend getting my site to number one
Traditional Marketing in Conjunction with Internet Marketing
Money spent on Traditional Marketing versus Internet SEM
How to make your website generate greater sales and act as a tool for your sales team
Understanding what a conversion is
  . What do I want my website to do?
  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Traffic
  • Quotes
What is my Cost Per Acquisition
How to do meta tags
How to research
How to use Google tools
How get links
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