8:00-8:30 - Check in and Introductions
  • Please bring a copy of your confirmation voucher to the front desk
Session 1: Overview of Internet Marketing 8:30-10:30
This introductory section of the seminar will provide you with a high level over view of the most common aspects of Internet Marketing today. The session will touch on topics such as the different types of Internet Marketing and how to incorporate them into your traditional business model.
  • General Overview of the Internet Today
  • Forms of Internet Marketing
  • Your Business Online and Offline
  • Marketing Research
  • Pay per click overview and techniques
  • Search Engine Optimization Overview and Techniques
Session 2: Customer Service and your Website 10:30-11:30
The Internet these days should be looked at more than just a marketing tool but a way to better run your customer service and operations departments in an effort to improve customer retention as well as reduce the cost of doing business.
  • Increasing Profits and Improving Service
  • Using the Internet to Reduce Operational Cost
  11:30-12:30 - Lunch Break
  • Buffet Style Lunch Served
Session 3: SEO Techniques and Tips 12:30-1:30
It is one thing to know what to do it is another to actually put it into action. The techniques and tips provided during this section will give you a clear look into some of the many aspects of running a successful Search Engine Optimization campaign.
  • Tried and true tips for increasing rankings on the web
  • The basic ingredients to a successful SEO campaign
Session 4: Traditional Marketing and Internet Marketing 1:30-2:30
Now that you have your Internet strategy down DON’T forget about your traditional forms of advertising. Tying your print, radio, or direct mail advertising efforts together with a successful online marketing strategy will not only increase your reach but will increase your conversions and in turn your profits.
  • Creating synergy between old and new
Session 5: Conversion Metrics, Traffic and Wrap up 2:30-4:00
Data is king. With all of the tools available there is no reason why you should not be able to visibly track the success of all of your efforts. This section will discuss the many resources available to help you measure your success.
  • Measuring Success on the Internet
Session 6: Conversion Metrics, Traffic and Wrap up 4:00-7:00
Now the moment you all have been waiting for…YOUR detailed one on one session with industry experts about how your business goals and how you can use all of the Internet Marketing strategies you have just learned to help achieve those goals.
  • Individual analysis of YOUR business and the Internet
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